Friday, April 23, 2010

Thought to Share

I just read this quote, and it was too good not to share.

We must embrace our pain and use it as fuel for our journey.

We all have those days that just downright suck.  But if we think about those bad days as fuel to get through to better days...maybe we can make our days better.

What do you think?


Monday, April 5, 2010

Quad Photography.

If you race a dirtbike, you probably know that dirtbike racers tend to make fun of quad racers.  Being into the dirtbike form of motocross myself, I always did too.  But after catching some quad action (only practice, but still) at MotoCity Raceway recently, I have an all new respect for them.  Those guys FLY!!  So now you can consider me a fan! 

Here are a few shots: